Let's Erect a Massive Shaft in

 just so you know I've made it as an expert level World um which scales the bosses and experience based on the different players you have I thought it'd be more interesting that way I've never played this game before oh that's okay however if we drop loot when we die yeah you do also lose all your items when you die oh wait sorry no that's only if you make a medium core character I would also recommend making a medium core character to make medium cool characters my guess is they won't beat Cthulhu in four hours because of medium core like we can't even all connect to the server right now but we're not thinking that far ahead you get a gun let me put my hat on a gun this is a this is a [ __ ] blowpipe how did you find a blowpipe already we I I'm just waiting to give like tutorial they've got chest stand you can find chest yeah but we haven't eat we've just connected to the server how did you already find Luke they're on they're on the floor Dan hello I am so Bigglesworth and I am wearing my fancy pumpkin armor how have you gotten this already there are  pumpkins on the floor Dan and I decided to hollow them out and wear them Mary I've given you a bow and 94 arrows how did you find 94 hours or arrows already you can craft them down come on we've got to defeat the Wall of Flesh within the next 30 minutes to keep up with the world world record speed run so let's get up let's get a hustle is there a forge I have a bunch of copper uh yes if you come over here you should be able to do heavy workbench so we can now make okay all right you're just you just cheated this in I didn't though you can get iron bars from a chest wood from a tree pumpkins from the [ __ ] floor oh no  this is so everything it's totally like two hours to get my first play through downfall I just walk walk left and you can find it on the [ __ ] ground I'm gonna make a decision for the gang here right I'm stairs I've started a shaft here and we're gonna dig straight down until we find a Cave System that we can extend I've already done this then I'm right next oh uh sorry I didn't look over there I mean I'm further down now yeah you dig over to my hole here dig over here no okay right I'm just trying to erect some Icy shaft here right put some water in the bottom and that way we can follow that in the shaft easier later right I don't necessarily know if I want to easily slide down your shaft yeah is this gonna be like the next three hours is this  just all it's gonna be it's like I've  got to pace out these shaft checks uh yeah I've never hung it out in a while  we have to get it out of our system I always tell people that I have a really wholesome group of friends and this i this is smart wait there's a treasure chest right there oh I got it oh [ __ ] Dan got it [ __ ] I got all the Rope nice look I can breathe I can breathe underwater a little bit now so we're breed of all Atop The Water as well sorry breathable no I can breathe underwater Dan you're looking highly breathable today okay so if you right click the mine character oh [ __ ] not this way not this way I'm in the dark oh it's not much it's not a fun Minecart ride if we only go this way Dan so Bigglesworth has evolved how did you find that the bat dropped a goody bag and I'm now a majestic unicorn how do you keep finding all this I feel like we should meet up with our group because we're currently in oh well dance oh a rolling Cactus how did that kill me apparently I did not make a medium core character so I still have all my loot but I lost a lot of money oh you cheating bosses I made one I'm sorry I thought I made one but if I go out of the game now then everyone has to reconnect to the server I would rather do that than play with a cheetah oh no I'm so sorry guys what a shame guys I can't do the same challenge as you guys what a shame we need we need to meet back up at the base we're so establish we slow down my progress dad my progress I feel like we should have I'm the main character dad oh no Bigglesworth no I don't know I don't like that what's wrong am I not Majestic I don't like your hoof hands we simply need to make a shaft down the hill okay vertical shaft all the way down so everyone down the elevator here yeah I'm here I come soon I did not need to know that information Kelly well we're being real open today is a man of the ages at the top of the hole just jump down it's fine yes just make sure you right click right click the main character yeah and look at numeric so I am so pretty together what the heck Dan I'm here I'll catch you okay it's safe it's safe I already did it that's not safe oh sweet I got copper armor now nothing is gonna get double video my chat is like begging us to like actually change never I am not a loser I am a winner right now uh I I didn't do it but I did actually see that happen and I forgot


okay we did defeated the zombie yeah oh we're doing great Dan doing great this is about to go change my level um couldn't you come to me now I I have absolutely no torches that I'm in the dark I would love to but we've just fallen in a pit and I can't get out oh you can't get out you don't have climbing claws what a pathetic oh my God already Yes scale issue can someone come save me wait dan I have a I have a new idea for mining did you find Dynamite how did you get a bomb they're they're on the ground Dan oh I have 12 bombs okay stand back no you don't want to drop the ball like that Dad Dad not like that things coming down oh no no no no no and can you send me no I will do in one moment oh it's stormy when you get back to the base be careful be careful there's a storm rage oh okay so many of us died apparently we changed the biome to a graveyard my chat is telling me Oh lovely because there's so many of our tombstones so we actually need to clear up the graves yeah there's a ghost now attacking us here so what is the idea to go down what's the we just want to get to Hell most of the best loot is in hell that's why you want to get this done that did not work no you have to hold on to the Rope I was holding on to the road how did it hurt you I don't know I've lost the whole heart have you tried holding onto the Rope a little harder okay mango we're gonna need to be a little careful here because it looks like I'm gonna die if we drop it looks like a bit of a giraffe I have more rope no I don't oh God they're gonna start coming in oh no why did you open it[Laughter] slight problem I believe I'm going to drown in here excuse me why does it now say poo I might Rage Quit Vegas no that does that's not gonna help oh I almost killed us up it's very unfortunate oh it's America there's a bunch of traps in there so just loot it from the side or something oh did something go wrong there it's been a catastrophic mining accident I'm afraid a flying fish killed me nice I saw that though it wasn't moving and then it killed me okay I think I figured out the trick you're never safe wait I oh no I've hit a bad stretch of lava hang on where are you Dan I'm coming for you um be careful at the edge at the edge that is the ominous what the hell hi sir hey how you doing hi do you like Marek's outfit it's wonderful there's a lava snail oh my God Ellie how's your adventure going I'm so pumpkin all right this is oh skeleton there's multiple skeletons falling down the hole oh no that's really why'd you lead them down here she just come straight down I had a delicate operation I was working on holy [ __ ] Dan this is not [ __ ] safe in the slightest I told you it was you fall straight into the pit of death I'm working on it just don't hold on to the Rope it will be safe right I'm actually also gonna light up the way which is something Dan hasn't done I know I'm working on it also he's dropping water so all your torches will go out don't bother he's died down here I'll get look I'm gonna finish this shaft right okay what she said water stop making it appropriate guys don't act innocent it's your minds that are dirty not mine wholesome content okay more water is coming down do you [ __ ] killed all my torches I told you he'd do that what did I tell him there's also piranhas falling down now yeah sorry about that there's a ghost in the shaft that's so helpful Dan sorry I'm sorry there's a lot to keep an eye on I'm working with a lot of lava right now my favorite anime ghost in the chat okay now watch out the lavas the lava has been released it's coming for you okay it's coming down oh it got me I swear if it comes down the hole that I mean just so you know um there's a minecart system down here if you go right you got melted [ __ ] yes no it's coming down okay how to build robes that's literally what I'm trying to do tell me if you know uh rope you can buy from the merchant right well okay and it's very cheap done I'm underground that might not be as helpful sadly then how many ores do I need to make a thing you can ask the guide if you have a specific recipe in mind I'm Underground



the Torches are um yeah I don't I don't think the Torches will stop them have you got anything helpful today I can't help in this situation too well I don't think that's my contribution no I've had it so much lava get in the shaft like this God I wonder how that happened what a tragic question if no there's a way forward

there's a passage underneath it I can I can drop it down so now you're telling me I need an anvil we have an animal oh sorry Dad that was gonna strangle me oh no I didn't pay attention chemo used to come down here I've made it nice and safe no I don't believe that for a second no I really have I think I think I made it to hell I I have made it to hell I'm I'm on the final level bit really quite the Wall of Flesh yeah what have you made it to hell with a perfect Pat straight down now Dan I've used my brain


right I'm coming I'm bringing my Anvil too and my campfire and my work bench oh we have a campfire back it up sorry okay you know your editor always edits me to be loud and people never get to see onto YouTube why I am so loud my shaft is safe right okay it's the monsters that are the problem for the shop thing your shaft isn't it is so safe it is safe what we used to do and we need to stop the monsters coming in I can't find them out [ __ ] up this shop does not say yeah you gotta get give it a motive the Chili's still working its way down right this is a [ __ ] nightmare world but look it's almost here guys sit down nice well congratulations we're at the point no one cares anymore


the shaft Works no no I hate this world I'm sorry it's like you need this to do this don't you dare go up to the sky world don't you dare claim the Skyward it's like the real world then I'm just checking if there's an island that was not hello let's find the island who let the bunny into the house while I was crying


that's my stuff you just took how did that happen Dan I have something to ask yep are you the devil are you the devil this is why is this what you've been doing I don't think I'm the devil I'm just having a great monster yeah I'm gonna check here I'm checking for the eye I found it I found it it's there good job Dan okay we just need a safer passion you're amazing okay Kelly we can build it out to this island I'm trying to survive you left me dance every like utters like 30 seconds like Dan it's Dad Dad we made it yeah it's me already oh wait am I not visible I'm not no longer visible [ __ ] oh my God oh my God for like an hour okay well I was sending out of this world Dan do you want to know what my HP is at what 100 000. what are you just hacking no he never hacks so how do you have a hundred thousand HP the the game it was built to easy Dan skill issue do you like my mic you made walls done don't be rude what do you mean I made yes I've walled off the entire like third oh I'm not in the shaft right now sorry thank you I feel like no matter what I do I'm at Falls I have a question why have you made a second shaft because that main way to hell is not working out wow I don't know if the second way to hell is going to be much better well I've already got there look I can see it you should make walls the whole way down then it'll work it's kind of a lot of lava here Dan I'm working on it



I've lost control of my life chat this is the only thing he can control this is all I could do I made one shaft that's all I'm good for wait how'd you do a 23 000 damage dad built different it's that easy exploited the game like I haven't made a terrari video in like maybe a year now so we just sat on on like content it's just like [ __ ] I think it's time you make one dead Franco can you summon that I've been trying my best to go over here um I hit for one I have a read and read oh okay I will give you guys the star Fury weapon which uh which I stole from the sky island where did kiwo go sorry interesting I think uh manga was using the restroom no she wasn't oh she was just in her own world in my mental restroom she was just like I could say to me like Dan Dan where's the torch he said no idea some of that boss mango okay how do I we're ready we're ready you guys have to beat it within 10 minutes because then that means we killed one boss in three hours because it feels pretty good okay he's coming I think it's time did you use the eye I don't yeah normally there's like a message in the chat I use the eyes you just threw the weapon on the floor oh sir


you just gave the eye to Kelly go guys go he has 9500 Health 9200 help you've already done like 500 damage guys oh if everyone hops on the Rope we can like position them better yeah you can fight on the Rope that's a good idea oh actually no you know he just goes down the road it's a terrible idea dad Kelly just need to stay alive for 15 seconds please I mean I am also here and I can't die so don't worry oh okay because I literally have no boots to run so what are you expect me to do oh no it's gone [ __ ] the bastard no wait what apparently I'm imperceivable to even the monsters in this world they don't know you're here we have another eye I don't think we do but we have to try find the eye Cthulhu again we can leave it there for today honestly I just try to do it next time I love how I think we we reset the world no no this is going great too this world is so [ __ ] cursed Dad we have to keep going I'm not resetting the world you can build a shop Dan we've worked hard in this world


Music]lighting technology and more safety why is this somebody [ __ ] flares this is gonna be like brexit all over again if you all vote Yes right you're all gonna go after Google afterwards like wait a minute what does the new shaft actually means you don't understand what have we gained I have a body shop is that all right it could be better democracy is in shambles it was a mistake don't post this one no I'm po are you kidding me I'm posting this one what do you mean this is this is the Terraria let's play now right this was episode one back in the let's play series Dan can you also make sure that like it starts with a really over the top gamer intro yeah actually wait we can all do the voiceover right guys what's up welcome back and if you enjoyed this episode on Facebook with your friends punch the screen there's like seven mid-roll ads if you could just click everyone click Those ads buy all of them follow my affiliate links buy gamer coin uh there we go lovely right I'm done uh it was a lot of fun but maybe next time we can do a little less hard join us next week for episode two when we delete our progress and start over


thank you


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