Don't Make Pizza The Way I -

 hello it feels like the entire universe is against us anytime we try to have fast food in this channel be it pizza or McDonald's or trying to cook pizza in the safety of our own kitchen we have something that goes wrong get McDonald's instead no we're making a healthy dinner we don't need takeout we can save some money it was some good old flour tomato pastada and a dash of love that looks quite venison if I say and a dash of [ __ ] love they're screaming into the void no I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here there's no need to scream there's no need to scream I'm still here like that's gonna have like abandonment issues at this rate like any time like he just leaves the screen for a little bit it's like like watch this oh thank God he's back again welcome it's good to see us I hope you're ready for a nice healthy meal we're gonna make pizza live on stream as promised for chat homemade fast food it's not very fast but there's more love put into it you get the from The Limited selection I've got available in the fridge um we don't have a lot of them that's way better the courtesy of the BBC we got pizza margarita in four easy steps it's in four steps it's in four steps yep dad's secret Pizza uh typically if it's Dad's recipe it tends to be a bit lazier um I don't know where I was going with that thought now this is important to establish so I'm Irish Canadian uh which means that anything that's given in metrics uh when it comes to cooking I actually have to convert to the cup measuring system now my solid one cup is gone at the moment but the easy conversion is this is a three-quarter cup which is 180 milliliters which is 180 grams um so if I fill this once and in two thirds of the way easy metric to put in the bowl uh if you're ever stuck just remember that 1 8 cup is 30 milliliters which is 30 grams okay so we basically need 10 of these or one and two thirds of these uh we can also if you want to be fun about it you can use five of these ones or you can use three and a mostly for one of these okay is everyone following you better be yeah okay I I wash my my starters okay look evidence


my sleeves oh sorry okay hang on let me roll up my sleeves hang on okay the guy is taking this very seriously a hair net but it's not that long like Gordon Ramsay whatever he's doing one of his cooking programs have you ever seen him with an internet like no well Gordon Ramsay's got like gel and [ __ ] like he's probably like leaking product into the food he'll yell at you for your lamby and raw but it's like your Lamb's probably been [ __ ] stylized by the time he's done with it with the amount of product that's like seeped into it Gordon Ramsay please don't Sue he's a very angry man okay so we're just going to treat that as a bit extra of a cup you didn't see it um when it comes to salt and stuff um I always have my salt and Shaker and I never have time to measure that out so it's just that's probably about a teaspoon it's an exact size we're gonna use filtered water because only the best for our pizza right look at that that's how you know it's gonna be good quality we treat you in this house uh and then I need some olive oil look it's extra virgin some of you might be acquainted with this right that's the good stuff unbeliev we don't have a single spoon in the house oh no every tablespoon is gone um but that's okay because we have a teaspoon and the rule that you have to remember is two and a half teaspoons to the tablespoon so it's okay you can convert all of these metrics as we go and we should hopefully be okay if you're cooking along at home and you've also forgotten the utensils


I have extra tablespoons it's okay just follow along just follow along look at that look at that turn onto a lightly floured surface and knead for five minutes until smooth


Kelly what does newton mean s okay that's a bit weird Buttercup I'm cooking I think that this is much more dough like see like that's like stuck to my finger now see oh yeah give me one second so side flip when you prepared it a bit more it's it really you gotta trust the recipe for now camera keeps [ __ ] turning the camera keeps turning I want it there why does it keep perfect now you can see welcome to a headless Man Bakes you a delicious meal much like your like you know point of view your dad makes your pizza like you haven't seen dad in a while so you know this perspective is actually ideal I need to turn onto a lightly floured surface


that's lightly flowered got a good shot of that get a good shot okay how do I need it surely I just use like a roller like this oh look at that that's actually kind of fun oh it's everywhere oh my God it's everywhere okay I'm not we're gonna get a nice round circle shape okay round circle we're gonna make it just like they do at the pizzeria like your friends if I make that pizza for them you know you have them around after school they're gonna be like holy [ __ ] I didn't know your dad was a professional Chef I've got bread everywhere I'm still here I'm still here Don't Panic get nice and smooth look at that see how we doing not supposed to roll it Bowl this oh wait is that what needs in this oh sorry I can oh okay let me get all this back sorry I didn't realize okay is this need in it is that what I was supposed to do I can't see what the chat says like that what do you mean I don't even watch the story or this is a professional restaurant okay oh it's a need like a cat so like this foreign ever seen a cat wait I need to cover the dough let me get another towel hang on I'm just don't mind the alcohol I'm just looking for a toe okay uh oh I just wiped my hands and you know towel hang on don't mind the alcohol again hang on that's all I do wait cover do you mean cover with the bowl or put it in the bowl I mean that's functionally the same as it being in the bowl build the ball we need the ball if I am going to mess up the constituency I don't know where this accomplishes I think that's right well here it goes we need plastic I I don't why even eat plastic that's not gonna accomplish any it's fine I'm following the instructions chat I think okay so this is the fun bit with the sauce right behold my magical spice cupboard we can put basil in the sauce right and we're gonna put some basil but look at all the options we have there's so much here and we can we can add extras to the sauce here cayenne pepper coriander paprika Ginger with so many options put them all in guys if you put them all in that's gonna be like an explosion in your marriage like you don't you don't want that you can pick three I'll give you three okay someone said salt you have the entire selection of my magical spice cupboard and you go over [ __ ] salt not even available of any of the other options wait no no no the Honey's not an option guys the honey is just in the cupboard they're not they're not putting [ __ ] honey in it are you kidding meokay someone said salt again right so  that's two you've chosen salt twice we get one more oregano okay oregano we love a good bit of oregano hang on let me find it okay the organ who expired in February we can't do that one we can't do that one all right what else from my  magical spice cupboard would you like pepper okay all right so you had all these options from across Tesco and you chose [ __ ] salt and pepper and salt again magical spice cover keep not locked up you know when you can just sniff salt okay so I have to roll out the dough and then split evenly into two balls oh this is supposed to make two pizzas I think right really oh this makes two small pizzas oh okay I mean this is perfect okay this is a bad time to mention that most of my trays um are perfectly square but you know the shape the shape doesn't matter um but it's okay because like Pizza Hut does square pizza and that's it SEO like the premium pizza place okay that's like the fancy stuff might as well be Italian at that point oh I lost I forgot to take the spoon out I don't know if you can see that that should be okay that should be okay foreign ly stressful just making pizza it's fun we're having a fun afternoon with your dad you gotta wait more punch it wait what are you talking about it's fine what's wrong with my dough it takes one to three hours wait what this is Dad's recipe this is Dad's recipe I'm not standing for this we're having fun and it's the correct way to have fun it looks a bit yellow uh okay so these okay so I I need to clean some space all the olive oil just went everywhere what is the cap for the olive oil we're having fun don't I don't have any space to put this fun on a floured surface we're all at the dough with the large rounds by 25 centimeters across using a rolling pin okay so I I need to do each of these and I also need to flower these hang on so oh [ __ ] no I was supposed to cover that in bacon paper and then I'm supposed to flower this okay that's but it's fine uh that that shouldn't affect it in any way look at this like I got a fancy rolling pencil this one's real cool because it has like measurements on it we can use this to make sure that we get one that's like 25 centimeters exactly wait a minute is that all at 25 centimeters is that's a small [ __ ] Pizza I can't be right no it's like 30 centimeters is that so I yeah the measurements are wrong okay that's fine no no it's from the middle it's from the middle I see what's going on okay so 25 oh okay all right okay that's pretty good it it stuck to the cut board okay so the shape is not exactly perfect but I think that should do the shape like the shape doesn't matter it's the taste that counts okay that's that's roughly correct I can clean off the flower no that's about a concern I can okay I'll get some more paper all right McDonald's probably would have been here by now right but McDonald's like doesn't fill you at all the hunger now is just gonna make you Savor the quality of the cuisine that we're preparing here for you later the paper will catch fire no this is this is oven safe the oven might explode Daniel you power your home with gas gas is flammable holy [ __ ] it's gonna be an inferno like like I've survived 27 years on this planet right I only almost ate a flower that one time how the [ __ ] do I transfer this oh it's mostly in fact it's mostly intact hang on let me just uh unfold a little bit it's one hour per step listen it's 25 minutes preparation time right well they don't show you on cooking programs is like every single step and that's why it looks like it just takes five minutes here I am slaving away at my kitchen top to try and get it right I don't have like a magical oven where it's like here's what I made earlier no I'm [ __ ] making it right now they're gonna be patient little shits right going to eat it I wouldn't think that far ahead okay this is gonna be messy you got to be brave sometimes when you make pizza right oh good lord no no it's not looking too good gang that's yours that's yours you know it's like if we order Domino's we would have got like two large cooked pizzas with like a drink of choice garlic bread and potato wedges all for about 22 Euro they do a special on Tuesdays buying all these ingredients and when you factor in the energy costs probably only cost roughly 40 Euro just gonna spread it out so at this tomato all over you want to try and get as close to the edge as you can pay attention here you don't want to get this bit wrong now sometimes if you run a bit low get the tomato passata and just add a little bit more on that's okay because when we mix all that it's going to just absorb the spices that we put in chiefly the salt the pepper on the salt look at that look at that that's sauce on dope 125 grams of mozzarella slice look at that it it feels kind of slimy for some reason I don't know why oh

put him there I'm just gonna rinse down the board again my battery's low oh no you can you see the uh I think we're back I think we're back get these Heroes it should just get rid of most of the UI components I think I have to stand perfectly still please [ __ ] turn off I don't think it's gonna it's not doing it I don't know why oh thank God okay all right all right guys that should be enough mozzarella for both pizzas let me just start like if Jesus can feed over 5 000 people then Dad can too it's like the Loaves and the fishes you know the parable except it's like the two pizzas we're gonna spread it around like I'll hand you all the slice and he's like my God the pizza just doesn't run out we're gonna make it go fair you can make a new religion out of this worship thy father okay I don't like that I don't like how that sounds religion's been abandoned religion's been abandoned no you made it weird it's time for the fun stuff guys sorry wait I'm a bit it's time for the fun stuff Guys pizza toppings the finest frozen chicken now this was frozen before I know the expiry date says the 16th of August this was in my freezer though and it's still good it's been frozen for a while we have some lovely chicken I have even more cheese what's left of my mushrooms or a yellow pepper I'll even giant bag of spinach I have a single red onion I have another bag of mozzarella just in cat no we have enough for that one never mind I have a third bag of mozzarella this one's already shredded so that's easier for me to use I have cauliflower and broccoli I have some green beans oh and I forgot one hang on uh oh I forgot very important one how could I be so careless of course I have pepperoni of course I have pepperoni I can't believe I forgot the pizza number one what would you like on it more salt morsels they want more cheese they want well you're gonna have [ __ ] more cheese okay in the restaurant like whenever you go to Domino's and that's like no they were stingy with the toppings they only gave me like two slices of like pieces of pepperoni on my pizza slice this white dad treats you up like holy [ __ ] there's so much on it normally we eat the pepperoni it's like no like they only put like one slice on this pizza we're gonna take a [ __ ] stack physically can't fit more on that I physically can't put more on that spinach I saw some spinach good you guys have taste you guys have taste the check Daniels and salt there you go I don't don't tell Mom there's some Jack Daniels on the side for you everyone you're done don't tell Mom please so mushroom spinach there's a lot of pepperoni here but like this is also kind of like a veggie option can we have ice in the jacket we're making pizza oh I'm going to offer you what's in the box now I'm not going to tell you what's in the box but the condition is if you accept the contents of the box that is your final topping for the pizzas 11 of you just like no thanks that's fine I've had enough now I don't want what's in the box I think it's okay it's pretty clear it's pretty clear thank you democracy thank you we're gonna put pineapple on Pizza I have no [ __ ] idea how I'm supposed to prepare this okay I I assume this is incorrect I'll be honest I feel like I'm losing a lot of the pineapple you're killing SpongeBob I need his house geez there's a lot of residue with a pineapple we only got all like all of this out of that that's not a lot I might not like I personally like this right as a type of and I may think that everyone who enjoys pineapple on top of pizza you know should probably spend some time in hell I'll still make it for you here because it'll kill you faster do you want the pineapple going on the pepperoni cheese or like the pepperoni veg what pizza do you want to ruin this is how I select my bots they they're like-minded God I wish we had more surface area there you go it's terrible that's terrible I was supposed to drizzle it with olive oil at some point too just Just a Touch important part important part of the process you see the oven there I gotta put them in there I gotta put them in and I have not positioned my trays give me one second very hot oh wait is that that tray the wrong way around oh bollocks it is there we go okay I think we're good okay oh I still have to put the pizza in hang on reheat the oven it yeah it'll be fine it'll heat up we can just cook it a little longer everything in there is already cooked well except the raw vegetables but like it'll cook again it'll cook again it's fine it'll warm back up I I'll be honest I think we need why'd it make a noise it'll be fine right cheers chat


can you see me okay no use candy you can see me hang on God that's strong straight this is part of the process of cooking with that and sometimes dad needs to sit down for a moment right I don't know why it's making noise the oven's not gonna explode is it I mean after what you just did maybe so that's not yes then do you fear Dash then but they haven't seen a preheated see the light went off um no no not particularly big moment here let me get my oven gloves okay do you think that's done what about that one I think that one's good look at that that actually looks really good oh no all the pineapple fell off do you see where the pizza is and then there's all the pineapple hey I can actually eat this pizza now though because all the pineapple fell off oh great wow happy days I couldn't have gotten better is it just me or does it look like the top of my oven glove at some point caught fire I don't think this happened just there I don't remember when that happened oh that looks so good okay this one this one actually turns out really damn well uh this one so you remember that problem we had with the oh Jesus foreign it's dripping if you ignore the fact that all of the toppings fell down here it's kind of okay the gang's all here for a pizza parody pizza is here we did it let's try some I'm just waiting for this bit to give away hang on here we go I got foreign



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