Torturing Beloved TV Characters in Darkest

 ruin has come to our family who remember our venerable house opulent and Imperial gazing proudly from its historic Birch above the Moor I lived all my years in that ancient rumor-shadowed Manner and then the energy bill came in but our winter 2022. we Unearthed that damnable portal and to Deluge evil don't you hate it when there's an Eldritch portal to another realm in your basement I beg you return home claim your Birthright and deliver our family from the ravenous clutching Shadows

foreign it's not it's not Ohio quests will fail or must be abandoned Heroes will die and when they die they stay dead how much are you willing to risk in your quest to restore the Hamlet what will you sacrifice to save the life of your favorite hero welcome to dakis dungeon everybody it's a Nuzlocke basically Ohio's not doing too well we dug too deep flattened the corn it's never been the same The Old Road will take you to hell but in that gaping Abyss we will find our Redemption fun fact uh the narrator in preparation for this game inhaled an entire thesaurus hero damages 6-12 he only has 6 of 12 hp so this is guaranteed to kill him kind of like the topia I mean to be Utopia direct point of comparison listen for this game so you can stack debuffs as well so now when it's his turn he's going to lose four Health uh which means that hitting him he's guaranteed dead less inordinate exsanguination be considered a virgin this is what I mean he's in he's like he's inhaled several dictionaries that's pretty much the basics welcome to darkest dungeon okay so continue adventuring for one moment because there's a treasure chest here oh okay I'm ready to head home now uh we get two new Heroes uh for now we get to rename them the cast from Friends okay all right um so this is Monica uh plague doctor I I feel like the plague doctor's a Phoebe uh you know I I know we were gonna keep their names the same but no I've honestly got to rename them uh this is good this is now gonna be Chandler this is there's Chandler Bing oh we do kind of need Ross to lead the charge so okay all right all right okay Ross is gonna be a little cooler in this world I think like Ross canonically in friends is God fearing in a kleptomaniac you know so maybe It just fits the character Warren's foe Warren's Phoebe all right so the cast of Friends based in the entirety of Ohio I feel like this this should have been New York but they've gone to Ohio it's like like the summer special or something at the moment we only have two options it's either explore and Scout the ruins or you can just Embark in the hardest dungeon the entire game which is the darkest dungeon now it is possible to clear it but we can't kill the cast of Friends that early into the contracts you know we got at least like a few seasons to go this is the stress meter uh if your character gets too stressed and too anxious while adventuring they have kind of a mental breakdown if they have a mental breakdown a lot of bad things can start happening on the adventure if they then get even more stressed they have a heart attack and die on The Adventure uh so you gotta also you gotta not only manage their physical help with their mental well-being okay uh Monica is getting really stressed now we want to avoid that getting the 100. Monica's starting to get anxious he's prepping Thanksgiving dinner doesn't know if her friends are coming around scatter trash will be visible on the on the ground as you approach them so like to hear and click then click on the track to attempt to discernment some heroes are better than others at the ceremony off you go Chandler there we go in general the like Rogue type characters tend to be best at the sound in the traps just from my own experience like I could try Monica here nope no that's just gonna stress her out even more okay but Monica might snap soon oh they're really going for Monica damn it Chandler they really want to kill her oh Jesus okay Monica might die soon oh my God leave Monica alone a trifling Victory okay it's a holy Fountain okay Monica uh drink up there Wealth Beyond measure okay so that's actually really bad uh that can heal you and also reduce stress but she just found more money like dunked in there the darkness holds much worse than mere trickery Boogeyman okay so now it's completely dark uh there's some real bad stuff that has a chance of appearing so just think of the loot we could get think of the loop I think Monica can survive one fight here we go no not Monica no wait wait oh she's gonna snap Monica heal yourself no they're going for her oh my God that did a lot it's okay we made we made it to the end grit cell feel on Monica she's gonna be all right it's gonna be all right and look at like all the rewards we got for that it was absolutely worth it paranormania obsessed with the Paranormal okay all right I don't remember that episode of Friends uh Monica now is clutter which is bleed resist she probably got that because she got so badly hurt on this adventure uh Phoebe's now fragile that's really [ __ ] bad that's so terrible all right well the gang made it back okay there's some new Heroes available uh helion is really good uh we're gonna have a very mean Rachel lending obsessed with Killers would we want our air ballist to be just Jerry Seinfeld are we gonna open it up to like the darkest dungeon like sitcom Cinematic Universe okay so this this is Jerry Seinfeld yeah so we got we gotta have a Kramer be like the partner in crime Kramer is definitely a grave robber because Monica is really on edge um we're gonna tell Monica wait why doesn't she drink oh in town will never drink oh she could go to the brothel instead I guess okay Monica's gonna have a real good time uh we're gonna have to just go with this squad um someone is probably gonna die just because it's a long adventure oh this is also complete 100 of Ruin battles which means I have to explore every nook and cranny yeah someone's dying someone's dying oh Jerry no oh no oh no Jerry oh he's really badly hurt think about it no Chandler there we go there we go this is only the second episode holy [ __ ] they're so hurt Chandler what's going on with your accuracy bud holy [ __ ] you've missed every attack thank you okay the blight's not ideal so he can kill another one uh we don't have any anti-venom just gotta walk off the blight God they're getting so stressed okay there's a trap on the way back here uh we're gonna let Jerry Seinfeld handle this in the hopes that it would help him relax a little I don't think Jerry's long for the world so we're gonna have a feast that provides a lot of stress relief for the Gang and we'll get some Gallows humor in God damn it Jerry Jerry's dead Jerry's dead Jerry's Seinfeld's in a lot of trouble and we got ambushed okay right oh no no Jerry's Seinfeld's resolve is tested he's a masochistic oh my God they won't leave Jerry Seinfeld alone oh no he's in trouble God damn it Chandler you're so inaccurate stress continues to build beyond the point of Affliction if a hero stress fire feels the second time completely their body will give out get them Aid or Retreat back to time before this happens death awaits us all though Jerry has started to approach a heart attack if he reaches 200 stress we gotta get out of here holy [ __ ] this is not going well triumphant Pride precipitation no Jerry what do you do oh it's okay you got to be careful so because Jerry is Afflicted andmasochistic now he's just gonna run ahead long into these things uh we cannot stop him no oh no okay wait yeah push Jerry to the back again push Dairy to the back Jerry no he's losing his mind oh he's on death's door HP they're at that store while this state that will suffer suffer stat penalties plus any further damage has a chance to kill him heal him to get off it if only I could do that he's dead he's dead Jerry didn't make it Jerry didn't make it that was absolutely brutal yeah there we go Chandler means business now he's a Vengeance Jerry the irony of the game given me this time please guard me the last battle come on Kramer you need to survive here oh my God Chandler no they're going for Kramer don't go for Kramer foreign oh my God is a [ __ ] Massacre let's just get out of there Seinfeld's Dead who do we want in what role maybe we give this one the Joey gotta get Joey in which means that it's now time for the rise of Frasier and we'll have to get his brother into is it it's miles is it miles or Niles Niles okay so Seinfeld got absolutely canceled Seinfeld is dead a complete Massacre on the first episode uh but we now have the crossover episode with Frasier that seems is that really that inaccurate or am I just getting horrifically unlucky Chandler's really struggling he's parasited oh my God holy [ __ ] Niles hold on hang in there maybe we can impale them all and Get Lucky with the rolls here there's only one left come on just don't don't hit Niles and I got heal now let's just get him off that door yeah oh thank God okay he's gonna be all right he's gonna be okay I've been over my head wait what oh no imposter syndrome Jesus [ __ ] Christ so Frasier actually survived uh an episode they've been renewed they'll be on the TV next week unlike Seinfeld okay I think it's time for a new sitcom with the new gang here his father Ted uh we do need a father doogle but I feel like this would be more father Jack so you know the only things we'll ever hear him say is drink Fick Irish girls the occultist is a weird one for healing right deals between 0 and 13. I would like to establish now that this heals either zero or either 13. there's almost always no in between and most of the time it's zero uh but you know we could just take Phoebe that's that seems okay no Phoebe and Chad earlier saying they like hate Phoebe he's like oh God not them the worst Friends character there's some Phoebe slander here okay we're gonna go let's wish him well I think we'll be all right wait Phoebe's scared of the Warrens they breed quickly down there in the dark oh no she is to be okay sometimes you gotta face your fears come on Phoebe probably why she's scared of the Lawrence you're okay Phoebe don't let it get to you don't mind the drums just don't let it get to you okay we're gonna we're gonna chance a roll on Ted


pretty good 13. uh I can try and heal Phoebe up


nice like doctor in general doesn't seem to be doing well here those are babies babies really struggling to have much of an impact it's obviously if we were warning your dad I thought people really just hated Phoebe I'll be honest with you I wanted to give her a chance in like a moment in the spotlight not standing for the slander here okay get it Phoebe cruel imaginations is the highest odds but I'm not convinced pile of bones uh you know Phoebe just touch it oh thank God she resisted oh no wonder she hates it here Phoebe you're gonna be all right is the stress that's the real problem right now you're all right Ted break why is that stressing out Phoebe so much she's courageous now though so she's gonna be doing like way more in combat it's just a shame that's the end of the adventure Phoebe's now scared of the ruins as well but okay with the Cove blood Scourge oh this is a flagellant this is a weird choice for father doodle McGuire he's normally a big calmer in the show but maybe he's tired of living in Ted's Shadow okay Mrs Doyle is here to kill our enemies with a nice cup of tea as the cast of Father Ted represented the only other sitcom to actually last long enough to stalk their entire cast we want to try a Darkness run do you want to go for the loot run here we go so a Darkness run significantly increased Loop confidence surges has the enemy look at all that loot we got there's we got a paint we're doing so good already even the games like you sure you want to do this it's looking real Grim for you you should are you sure I mean that's not the worst disease Frazier's just going to be healing anyway yeah get get back in there Frazier party heal Critter two we'll go back  now that's numbers it's more stressful than it looks no wait no it's less stressful than it looks it looks very stressful there's no crit 17s please I think it's going well we're all still healthy only one best store okay Mrs Doyle uh no no you you really can't handle okay Rachel all right all right that hurt a lot okay there's only at least two more fights we gotta clear somehow we surprised them yeah like all in all it wasn't that bad considering we were doing all this in the dark like I think this could have been way worse in all honesty if you get a cheeky and pale in here okay Rachel now believes she's possessed by demons but increased damage in the runes so mixed bag Frazier now is Eagle meeting I mean that's just accurate to the show if anything okay a one-man show for a sitcom Truman it's just Jim Carrey it's just Jim Carrey Jim Carrey's coming for you you better watch out okay but not for this encounter this is one of the cast of Friends May must face on their own okay it's time for The A Team to shine I'm gonna impale them off kill that one  it's actually unbelievably powerful oh you're all right Joey oh Jesus don't scare us like that now cast of Friends is doing well the light gains purchased the snakes are everywhere wait what Shield breaker is scared from past trauma she must navigate a series of seven flashback battles while camping one battle per Camp that's as bad as a complete she can count peacefully forever oh okay okay a little bit unfortunate I  I didn't think that would be happening oh don't take too much damage here again 20 stress per red what six damage Around Jesus [ __ ] Christ I'm gonna lose most of Joey's help before we go into the boss okay yeah we just need to heal Joey Joey's seeing better days he has nightmares uh the snakes that got him in Italy I think all right let's go towering Fierce terrible okay there we go we can do something with Ross now there we go we kind of need to keep that up as well with Ross don't we I think we've got this fight pretty much under control okay yeah we got him this is the cast of Friends we're talking about they've been through so many zany Adventures they're not about to go easy you didn't land a single hit on us power of friendship okay I think Monica might have been infected okay as long as I attack Monica now we don't have to worry about anyone being like going into a blood flow she will be the friend that takes the fall the one where where Ross invokes an Eldritch Abomination no one told your life was gonna be this way if job's a joke you're broke and you've invoked Spirits from Beyond the Grave I'll be there for you when the Blood starts to pour I'll be there for you like I've killed a cult before the required reading for a lot of my streams I I'm sometimes aware of this just because we draw in so many things like we have to have an understanding of pretty much everything from like the 90s and like 2000s like just like under your belt for some reason I haven't seen the four seasons of Father Ted you may not be able to understand the like the finer points of  references here yo because I could bring an own McLaughlin as a character and even some Father Ted fans are going to be like which one's that again but I know this is what keeps me up at night from the creator of friends we bring you cult and it's just like the friends intro song but like spoken in Reverse to  really freak you out you're probably like a creepy pasta out of this I mean we were to write our own friends Creepypasta I mean I have to start the way of all creepypastas it's like I was up late at night and I wanted to watch Friends when suddenly my friend who I haven't seen in a while sent me an email link on the dark web he said here is the server that you need to watch the secret season but it didn't sound like my friend and his Ross profile picture had blood coming out of his eyes for some reason I didn't think anything of it at the time but looking back my life was to change forever from that night the episode of Friends started as normal but Phoebe was just dead on the couch for some reason none of the other characters reacted to it which seemed a bit strange the laugh track wasn't playing in like the usual laugh track it was just people screaming every time Joey said something I didn't think much of it at the time if there aren't any RT game creepy pastors uh someone needs to correct that I was waiting on the Discord server excited for the next stream but for some reason it was now 33 minutes past tree in the morning suddenly he posted the tag link for the stream but instead of tagged everyone he only tagged me specifically I didn't think much of it at the time RT had his webcam on and instead of saying everything he was just smiling into it it was a big grin the music playing was the Haunted House theme uh from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl  but it was weird because he was playing Pokemon Heart Gold and there was no haunted house in that game surely there's like twitch Channel Creepypasta  that has to be a thing where does the haunted live stream on Twitch the SRT  was playing the game for some reason his chat kept chanting more blood more blood suddenly a user in the chat gave 10 gift subs and the alert played but instead of the usual username their name was I know where you live I didn't think much of it at the time until I then heard a knock on my door which is gifted his subject I know where  you live official I like how they've added official to their name not just I  know where you live it's like I know I'm not buying that no this guy actually knows this this guy has information Ross is a disease oh no Ross but he is deadly


thank you


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