Fallout Painting_ Wastelander -

 hey guys today I'm going to be painting the wastelander from fallout the board game so I primed the miniature because I looked at all of them and fantasy flight did a really good job avoiding a lot of mould lines however after priming I still felt there was probably a little bit I could trim up but see that that was it it was like nothing it was really easy you know you'll see here I actually have the Citadel Hobby holder finally found one a co-worker of mine actually has the Hobby a holder that like watch a painted has and that I was able to hold it now she seems really nice I want them both just to kind of play around with it and see which one I like more because again it's all about what's comfortable over necessarily what you know I guess it's maybe designed better it looks better or whatever I do like how big of a handle this has though it looks like I was thinking of maybe holding it wrong my coworker showed that you can hold the other Hobby holder by the handle as opposed to just the bottom part so I don't know I need to play around with both I feel to really see which one I like more and maybe I'll just stick with some cork you know and just kick it old-school I don't know so anyway basic skin tone this is kind of the basic skin tone right this is going to be the default color I am gonna add a bit more here and actually there's gonna be quite a few new colors here so you know please pay attention to that as we go along and here's the first one sunny skin tone so I'm gonna have this I can I have her face and stuff so here is Piper from fallout 4 and I'm basing this character mostly off of that because they seem to have a very similar jacket and even hat and even the scarf right again these these carries miniatures in the game obviously are inspired by other characters in the videogame but they're not exact right they're just kind of inspired so she this person has the scarf and kind of the the jacket design and a hat even and so I'm just adding a little bit of red and I'm adding a bit more now just kind of on the eyebrows underneath the Hat and then in the cheeks in kind of the crook you know the crevices in between the fingers and and uh and whatnot but we'll see just to add some definition there some rhinox hide this is for the Hat this is just a small little little portion here nothing nothing too major it's just a very small splash of color but again be careful I'm using a small brush here ochre Brown again another new color so this is going to be on the kind of hood that she has here and I'm actually gonna bring it down to some of her sleeves and her her skirt so and I think this is kind of this is actually what I would consider kind of the defining color of the miniature in other words I kind of designed everything that I'm not basing off of so here's the the skirts this is just a reference I use to see kind of how dirty they get in the game it's not necessarily when I'm painting it too if that makes sense anyway I you know so when I did the ghoul I tried it to be just a hint of green but with you know mostly red and so for this one I'm kind of taking this okra brown and just really trying to make it like this is pretty much the color of the wasteland she's in and I might bring that up a bit later when I talk about weathering but really this is just kind of the the color of choice I think and it's also the most predominant color and and I quite like it it's actually a really good kind of dirty cloth in color especially by the time I'm done so there's kind of the sleeves she has two different sleeves and then her jacket is a vest so again this is not Piper it's this kind of similar so now I'm gonna add some Ryland flesh flesh shade onto it this is gonna add a little bit of a red hue but just slightly it's kind of a very light red Brown and so we'll dirty it up but also slightly shift the the color a little bit more towards the red which I'm quite happy with it's more of a New Vegas look if you're familiar with the video games as opposed to you know three or four perhaps now this is just that same okra brown I'm just water down and kind of a lot lightening it back up now you see how it's like her skirts kind of folded in a certain design now I'm not going to actually worry too much right now I'm just trying to bring back the color so I'm not worried about like highlighting isn't like where the light hits I'm just trying to get the color back so I'm gonna hit in both sides of the skirt and make sure it's this kind of brought back up and I'm not gonna get that part underneath or that's kind of farther in right where it's kind of torn I'm gonna leave that in kind of the more shadowed Reichl and flesh tone shade again same here I'm just kind of using that shade as a guideline on where these highlights go all right in here I'm just adding whites this is gonna be the first highlight but notice I'm not I'm not necessarily highlighting as it is I'm adding definition right so I'm kind of loading up the brush and then taking the side of the brush and wiping it down the kind of ridges here this is different than a dry brush or dry brush would get kind of this sides as well kind of feather out and I want more of a hard line just on the edges and I'm not worried about how straight it is or how consistent of a flow it is in fact I kind of wanted a little bit of definition then I'll add a little bit on the sides and I'll see how I'm just doing angled lines across it this is kind of the scuff marks or just kind of the the the wear and tear that this material has hopefully received I'm really only doing those lines on either the hood rim so I have a few there and then the skirt I'm not worried about you know roughing up really too much now I'm also adding some white to the rhinox hide here and that's just to give a where and here at the at the the end of the the rim there now oh we'll say death guard green is going to be for the scarf by the way I'm gonna pull the picture back up as you can see there and basically kind up off that so it's kind of this green with some stripes in the hard straights later when it comes to highlighting I've always added just plain white I want to try and challenge myself to not do that as much and instead highlight with a different color or a lighter color right so I mean maybe I took a buff from Vallejo instead of you know this okra brown or even a dark sander or you know something else and added that to it as opposed to just pure white but know that it's something I hope to try and do in the future and hopefully get some better results am i highlighting this is just adding the design onto that scarf who told you this kind of like these lines or whatever and so I'm just trying to make it look good some deathclaw Brown this before they folded out part of the jacket this is the only part that this color is gonna be on it's a very small amount but I think it I use a lot of colors on this miniature like you'll probably be surprised there's quite a few Calvery Brown this is going to be the kind of red as you can see in the picture here it's this kind of like this red a little bit of brown color and I'm gonna make it a little bit more Brown a little much later in the video and this is kind of nice because it is again it works really well with this kind of tan color I have going on with this okra Brown as well and so the tonal range isn't a huge shift I know nothing about a color wheel or anything like that but it looks to be kind of the same to me like these would be found in the same space or haying or the same person would wear them you should not wearing bright pink somewhere or something like that I will add a bit of a splash of color much later on and I'll point that out because I do like something really defining especially from the tabletop and then make sure to get the bottom part to so it's tucked barely below her her belt there so be sure to get that a little bit as well I had to go back and get a - you forgot but you know it it happens it happens to the best the best of us so this is the highlighting and then again just added a bit of white and then just kind of go along the edges the top of the chest and then at the very very tips there and then in the back it has a lot of detail and so I'm just kind of it's it's almost like Tracy her hain't you just you're looking at these lines or these raised bits that you see and you're just dragging your brush as if you're almost tracing it now I did not add any more this is kind of a drastic highlight and so I I didn't add any after this so what what you see is what you get here but again it pretty happy with it a bit on black these are these black buttons again I thought this might help it kind of pop and black red as this is a red I love I mean I I really like dark red so here I'm just going to show you the gloves and the boots now these these dark reds again it fits and I've been this kind of brown red realm that I'm living in right now but apple red is my favorite color red by the way so I'm not really big into like the sports car red they're really kind of candy bright red but this this kind of red I I can get behind this kind of red I like it so I'm really glad I I have this color and you're gonna probably be tired of me cramming this into other miniatures and commenting about how much I like it but again I think it's a it's a good contrast there's a lot of different I wanted this character to look like every single bit of her clothing is from somewhere else right so she's got kind of the the skirt and hood and stuff and then she's got these other sleeves I haven't even painted yet she's got these boots and gloves that come from a different set she you know her belt is probably different you know just the scarf I wanted it to wear again she just kind of looked like she loaded a whole bunch of raiders maybe or something maybe not Raiders because it would be great her armor but that she just found knees and is wearing them and they're all dirty and kind of just brown this is a white Greg and another new color I did sit for her socks because I didn't want to do pure white I did pure-white it was like you've done some nolan oil instead i'm gonna actually try and even bring these there right above her boots she's walking the wasteland it doesn't rain a whole bunch I'm assuming Gus's kicked in and she only has one pair of socks or something like that either whether they're gonna be dirty and I'm gonna bring it up here to the secondary sleeve however I'm not gonna make those dirty so they'll end up looking like two different colors so here's that serif in sepia again this is kind of a much lighter brown right and with a more of an orange and versus a red hint and again that's just to kind of put it on there and then I'm gonna I'm gonna highlight it up I don't recall if that's off-camera and I apologize for that the sock set is I'm gonna highlight her boots up here and again it's just some white mixed in it nothing fancy there's actually a lot of detail on her shoes which is kind of nice so you can really kind of pop those out the ghoul if you recall had very plain shoes that didn't have much detail at all so you kind of had to almost invent detail which you have to do sometimes with models whether you know it's you know the pretending there's ridges for shoe laces or a collarbone or you know maybe the definition on the bottom you know how a lot of times that little bit the sole of the of the shoe so here's red leather again another red brown color this is for her belt this is a bit brighter I like that this kind of brings the the brightness of this skirt and the darkness of the jacket and hopefully tries to kind of tie them together I don't know if you can tell or not but I did think about this miniature a bit  more than the others when it comes to planning the paint's I hope you enjoyed that I hope it it ends up being a better  model because of it again part of this is because there is no concept art right and so I really had to just kind of look around see what I light and put some real thought into it and there's some  pros to that led belcher's up next this is going to  be for the belt and like the buckle and  then there's these studs here and so I'm  gonna go ahead and and paint those into  originally I thought about maybe doing the studs as a non metallic however she doesn't really have a lot of metallic  and again I thought that might help it kind of pop some more so this was at an ad hoc change I did well I had it there  decided to do that darks and this was  again another thing I had kind of added  you see I have a really nasty brush this is what happens when you do not clean your brushes so no this is on purpose and I'm just kind of spackling it on  there right closer to the bottom of the skirt and then moving up all over the boots just trying to dirty it up like  she you know doesn't wash them with Tide detergent and huh just you know really kind of has this dust and grime kicked up so now I'm adding this shade back in  it's a Raglan plush shade but I'm just going along the edges I wanted those to be a little bit more defined a little bit deeper but I don't want a cartoony right I so wanted to be mostly natural the model has a you know going like at sharp angles and I don't still want sharp angles I also jab them into those little small parts there to really add some depth there some flat earth for the stock of the wood you can see here is my basic concept mostly for the metal look how dark that metal is I'll get back to that but this is just a different Brown I wanted to kind of a very I don't know a very flat and unassuming brown but maybe one that leans slightly closer to the yellow and so I looked on the Vallejo model chart nose busy ordering all these paints and I I saw this one's like this is perfect you know and so I got this they have an earth color just an earth color but it's a much a deeper Brown and which is not something I wanted even though it's probably closer to that that you know kind of concept art I just showed you and I thought it would I didn't want the gun to contrast

from the mini again I just kind of wanted the whole mini to look like one thing I'm probably not explaining that well so I apologize for that there are some fiddly bits here especially near her hood just kind of getting in there okay this is abaddon black mixed with lead Belcher it's about a 50/50 so it's literally equal parts a baton black and LED Belcher and I love this color I love how it turned out I literally painted it and got excited and I had to go show my wife and also this is just a cool color it's a very dark metallic as you can see would kind of like that that concept art showed and I really really liked that I thought it worked really well because it's kind of muted so it's not too shiny or anything like that again looks fairly old and worn like this is not a gun that was just produced and then there was these like these kind of straps that are holding in all these accessories that I have no idea what they do they don't even all make sense like this one over here is pointing towards a barrel like I don't know what that does but it sits there anyway some administer on gray this is too for the kind of bits here I'm gonna assume that these are I wanted to be like plastic bits like like she used not necessarily like a soda bottle you know but just obviously not necessarily a legitimate gun piece is what I was kind of hoping for I don't know exactly how well that came across but that was that was my hope here but you know again it is kind of hard to get in there okay gray blue this is my splash of color right this is I figured this might just be a cloth that she found like a wash rag almost and just wrapped it around that like the wood maybe was splitting and she hold it there whatever but you see how bright and blue that is it's a very nice and distinctive looks great from the on that on the table when you're playing the game and then we have drew she violet so I added this shade in ahead if you notice but I haven't used a lot of shade on this this is this mini but I really wanted to get that kind of shadow effect and I thought it the purple hue would just make a pop even more so I did a quick dry brush of just a normal LED Belcher and then necron compound to really add the scuff marks but again real quick it just kind of a rub you know just kind of brush it on and you're done no noil on the plastic bits and then on the lid Belcher on her buckle again I don't want really anything too bright here except for that that kind of wrap I really like that so here I'm adding the right length less shade onto parts of her jacket and belt I'm not putting in everywhere though I am pretty heavy-handed with it but it is kind of wanted some splotchiness added a little bit of brown but again that Reckling fleshly just kind of has a red undertone anyway and I'm gonna do the same thing we take that dark sand and I'm gonna bring it up you know to the very bottom portion of her of her jacket kind of up to her her her chest and then kind of the middle of her back and then I'm gonna bring that dark sand and actually paint the bottom of her base with this now this only matters in the sense that when I add the grass it's not full coverage and I'm fine with that but this is the color I wanted poking out again almost like there's this kind of like you know whatever color dirt this is it's been kicked up onto her shoes and everything like that and you'll be able to kind of see that a little bit none the camera angle I show but when playing the game especially because you're kind of above the model you can see this kind of poking up and mook green for around the rim again that's total fallout colors I think it's perfect for it so I had actually done the eyes a few times so is he's already done here I'm adding that right Glenn flesh shade has kind of a shadow on the top of her eye I took this to a co-worker and kind of talked through with with it and this is ivory for the the eyes instead of a pure white and then a flat earth for the iris anyway he had suggested putting a shadow there to really add some more realism to the eyes and I think it did work out quite well as for granite debris as you know I kind of use this for like the rocks it's really good for the kind of tough terrain that's in on the boardgame tile so it fits really well and her shoe is kind of lifted up there and so I thought wow have her like starting to walk on this and so I literally kind of shoved it in there and then I'm gonna dry brush this administer autumn grey just to kind of really bring up the the the ridges I'm gonna seal it all you know with this purity still is a matte varnish just make it you know all nice and not going anywhere preferably and then I'm gonna add lots and lots of glue I could they actually added more glue I kind of wish I had but I don't know I tend to  never do enough because uh I do it and it's like oh that's way too much and then just kind of bringing it around with a toothpick and then I'm adding these little kind of course turf again it's to add a little bit of texture and then the fine sand or the fine turf this is earth and burnt grass mix and thenI'm going to struggle with this I'm gonna trim the kind of tall grass a little dollop of glue stick it on there and then let it sit there I'm gonna play around with it too much and it's gonna break and fall and I wanted to show you I guess that I struggle so that if you struggle with it don't feel bad I do too I feel I don't know if there's a right or wrong reason or how to do it anyway here is the finished model of models though this is it that's how it came out I hope you enjoy it I really enjoyed painting this miniature by the way I don't know I just I love the colors I love the kind of overall design of the character herself she seems like a very strong wastelander that has seen some stuff and been through some stuff and knows how to handle herself and I really like that I like the weathering effect on the skirt and just kind of the dirtiness of everything I think came out quite well guys if you did like this video give it a thumbs up I always appreciate it lemon you know in the comments below what you think maybe about my color choices because again with fallout unlike massive darkness I get to pick the colors and so I'd be curious to see if you think I'm on the right track because I have no art training or anything like that I just kind of do what I think feels right and might make sense in the real world but anyway if you want to see the rest of the fallout and you're not subscribed yet do that I do paint other miniatures along with game news and you know industry updates and and just kind of general stuff like that so subscribe to see more of that I always appreciate it if you're feeling extra generous go ahead and check out my patreon I do offer plenty of rewards voting rights AMAs miniatures painted all that kind of stuff but also if you just want to you know help support by all means do that but don't feel obligated either thanks so much for watching I always appreciate it I'll talk to you again next time


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